Friday, April 20, 2007

Phase Four: IMove...decisions

Phase four on my IMovie was tricky. I thought I had alot that was working, but it bothered me that the first image of the house looked unlived-in and even not quite built! So, I looked for another image of a suburban house in a cul de sac with spooky lighting--or at the very least at dawn. Hmmm, tall order. Plus, the house would ideally have ventian blinds, two bedroom windows, and an air conditiner in the window. AAAAAAAHHHHH!

Needless to say, I could't find an exact image--so. Here are the top running choices.
Picture one, is a prfect surburban house. The lighting is right. The windows are not quite right. But it had a great look and feel.
Picture two, the whole neightborhood of houses. This is interesting...I eliminate the need to duplicat the house directly. We dn't zoom into the bedroom window persay, and we get this great surburban zoombie cul-de-sac from aerial view.

Decisions, decisions...

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